Some of us are having to live with fewer funds these days. When operating with a tight budget, food shopping is a struggle and we don’t always make the best choices. You can eat well and healthy on a budget. A little preplanning can go a long way. Here are my tips on getting good and healthy food on a budget. Set a Budget It’s always a good idea to set up a weekly or monthly budget for food. If you can go back and see how much you spend per month and how much you would like to spend going forward. If you are eating in more and doing less takeout than you use to do, the amount you spend on grocery shopping will increase but it is always more economical to eat at home. If you don’t have a good idea on what you have spent in the past on food, then take the next month to track what you spend at the grocery store and look for ways where you can save. Make a List and Stick to itDo your planning before you leave the house. Shop your list to avoid impulse buys. Also, make sure that you shop your pantry and freezer first. That will help you from buying what you already have. To help build your shopping list, plan out your weekly meals. If you need some help with meal planning, sign up for my free guide. |
Hello! I'm Jori Zimmerman, a nutritionist and owner of Nutrition Savvy. I work with individuals that are looking to make dietary and lifestyle changes that will lead them to living a healthier and higher quality of life. Archives
February 2021
Jori Zimmerman, Nutritionist and Owner
[email protected] 303-585-1025 Tucson, AZ 85715 Disclaimer |