Ten years ago, very few of us had ever heard of gluten. Today we see it everywhere. Our biggest food makers and restaurants are recreating recipes to tap into the growing numbers of individuals that are looking to go gluten-free. Surveys are showing that almost a third of Americans are going gluten free. This has created a multibillion-dollar business.
Many advocates of gluten-free diets warn that non-celiac gluten sensitivity is a wide, unseen epidemic undermining the health of millions of people. They believe that avoiding gluten gives them added energy, alleviates digestive issues and improves their overall health. Traditional views on all types of grains are that they are not only healthy but a necessary foundation to our diet. They feel that gluten-free products are less nutritious and that there is no reason to avoid gluten unless you have celiac disease or a diagnosed allergy. They see the popularity of gluten-free foods as just the latest fad, destined to fade like the Atkins diet and avoidance of carbohydrates a decade ago. |
Hello! I'm Jori Zimmerman, a nutritionist and owner of Nutrition Savvy. I work with individuals that are looking to make dietary and lifestyle changes that will lead them to living a healthier and higher quality of life. Archives
February 2021
Jori Zimmerman, Nutritionist and Owner
[email protected] 303-585-1025 Tucson, AZ 85715 Disclaimer |