In a world saturated with crazy health claims, questionable dietary advice, public misconceptions, and food myths, it’s increasingly difficult to know what to eat and how best to nourish your body, create a healthy metabolism, and look, feel and function at your best. But I want to end that and make being healthy a simple, realistic and part of your lifestyle.
How Nutrition Therapy Works & What to Expect
I practice personalized nutrition therapy, targeting your unique issues with real food and lifestyle modification. I don't advocate "diets." I believe in health living and making maintainable lifestyle changes that develop into healthy habits.
All my nutrition plans start with a 90-minute initial nutrition consultation. Included is a comprehensive review of where I evaluate your health history, eating habits, nutrition and health goals. You will be provided an intake questionnaire and a food journal in advance so that we can maximize your time. I'll learn about what's important to you, what's worked or not worked in the past and the details that will help us create your individual comprehensive nutrition action plan.
Call me at 303-585-1025, email me here or click below to your intro consult
For you to be successful in any lifestyle change and receive the full benefit of the information and tools that I provide it is important to remember:
You should commit to at least four consultations over a three to six month period. This is why I offer packages. They are designed to give you the support and time needed to make lasting change. You are also more likely to stick with it, if you have ready paid for it.
You are committed to nourishing and healing your body but also your mind and spirit. A holistic approach to wellness includes taking stock of your physical, mental and emotional health.
Recognizing that rebuilding health takes time, Whole food nutrition therapy and lifestyle changes addresses the underlying cause of imbalance in the body, wheres medications generally cover-up symptoms.
Who won't benefit from my services?
Anyone who thinks there's a magic pill or quick fix for lifelong health.
Anyone who is not committed to making long-term changes to their eating habits.
Anyone who can't commit to at least 4 consultations over a few months.
One-on-One Nutrition Services that are customized for you and your lifestyle
Nutrition Counseling Via Video Chat or Phone Conference