Did you make any resolutions to improve your health in 2018? How is it going? Every January, 45 percent of all Americans, that's about 135 million people make New Year’s resolutions. But less than 10 percent of us are actually keeping them. If that is you, maybe it’s time to rethink your approach. If eating healthier was on your list, here are five strategies to get you back on track. Start with your why. Take some time to really think about what motivates you to eat better. It can be helpful to make a list of the specific reasons of why you want to change how you eat. We all know that eating better can help you lose weight, have more energy and reduce your risk of disease. But how does knowing that help you to eat better? The more personal you make your whys the more likely you are able to keep on track. It’s important is to identify your reasons for setting a goal. There are some basic questions you can ask yourself as it relates to setting your health goals.
After you have your list of whys, make a couple of copies and keep them handy so that you can refer to them when you need a reminder or extra support to keep going. Take a deeper look at how you are currently eating. Write down everything you eat, for at least 5 days. Once you have five days’ worth, get out a red and green colored pencil. Use the red pencil to circle all foods that are processed, come in a package or that have more than 5 grams of sugar per serving. This includes fast foods, soda, cereals, pasta, bread, chips, treats, meal replacement shakes… If you see a lot of red, look for ways to replace unhealthy choices with better ones. Breakfast is an easy one. If your go-to breakfast is cereal loaded with sugar replace it with cooked quinoa topped with blueberries, walnuts, coconut milk, and cinnamon. Use your green pencil to circle all veggies. Don’t see much green? Consider a veggie challenge. Don’t know how to cook veggies? Click here for my veggie cooking guide. Making small changes over time will make big changes to your health. Ditch the all or nothing approach. Resist the urge to judge every bite, meal or every day as good or bad. If you find yourself making unhealthy choices and decide that your diet is ruined for the day and then eat whatever, stop. Think of every bite as a reset and make the best choices you can for the rest of the day. Realize that it takes time to change your habits. It’s not realistic to think that in just a few short weeks that we will adapt to a new healthier way of eating. Make a Plan The best way to achieve your goals is to have a plan. That is where I can help. The personalized attention that you get from a nutritionist is the surest way to reach your health goals. You get an eating and lifestyle plan that focuses on your specific health goals, challenges and fits your lifestyle. You will also get the support, motivation, and accountability to stay on track. It’s so helpful to know that you have a trusted health professional in your corner. I have had the privilege of working with many people that were really motivated to make changes but just needed a strategy, accountability, and support. Get Nutrition Savvy If you are ready to tackle your health goals with eating better and making some lifestyle changes, I’m now offering A’ La Cart services where you can pick what services fit your needs and budget. If you want more a long-term strategy then consider one of the Nutrition Wellness Plans. Start with a free 30-minute consult to learn more and to see if I’m a good fit for you. |
Hello! I'm Jori Zimmerman, a nutritionist and owner of Nutrition Savvy. I work with individuals that are looking to make dietary and lifestyle changes that will lead them to living a healthier and higher quality of life. Archives
February 2021
Jori Zimmerman, Nutritionist and Owner
[email protected] 303-585-1025 Tucson, AZ 85715 Disclaimer |